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Week 5 Discussion Social Problems and Deviance

Week 5 Discussion Social Problems and Deviance

Q Do you think the time will ever come when a racial classification system will no longer be used? Why or why not? What arguments can be made for discontinuing racial classification? What arguments can be made for continuing it? How might a Conflict theorist argue for keeping a racial classification system? How might a Functionalist argue to get rid of it?

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Racial classification system has been the part of American society for long and too long to just end in one go. It has definitely reduced to a great extent but has not ended completely. And I do not think at all that the time will ever come when a racial classification system will no longer be used. After so many years of freedom, segregation is made based on race especially between blacks and whites. There are various examples to show that racial classification still exists in society. For example, in schools segregation occurs between a white male professor and a black professor. The white students do not want to accept grades from the black professor because they do not consider this of any worth.